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Life Lessons

Two years ago, a cancer diagnosis changed my life forever. As trying as it has been, I have been given the rare opportunity to view life through a different lens. Realizing that every day is a gift, there are more blessings in the trials than there are in the good times, in serving others we receive the true gift, and by being vulnerable we have the chance to encounter the beautiful angels among us.

I am so grateful for a loving God that guides me through each day and for wonderful family and friends who have helped me along the way. My cup runneth over.

My hope for each and every one of you is no matter what struggle you might find yourself in, look for the beauty in each day.


"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" - John 16.33

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